White-Lux Lamps

Cost effectively switch from yellow HPS light to white metal halide light with no modifications to your HPS ballasts and fixtures.

Change just the lamp!

Venture Lighting's White-Lux lamps are available in 250 - 1000 Watts.

250W, 400W, & 1000W White-Lux Lamps (ANSI Type E-Rated)

Order CodeWattsLamp DescriptionANSI CodeBulb ShapeBase TypeFinishOperating PositionInitial LumensRated Life HoursCCTCRI
91051250MH 250W/U/LUS50/EED28Mogul (E39)ClearU2000010000400065
52134400MH 400W/U/LUS51/EED37Mogul (E39)ClearU4100020000400065
72190400MH 400W/C/U/LUS51/EED37Mogul (E39)CoatedU3900020000370070
59441400MH 400W/U/LU/ED28S51/EED28Mogul (E39)ClearU4100020000400065
358921000MS 1000W/V/LU/BT37S52/EBT37Mogul (E39)ClearV±15°11000015000400065

250W & 400W White-Lux Lamps (ANSI Type O-Rated)

Order CodeWattsLamp DescriptionANSI CodeBulb ShapeBase TypeFinishOperating PositionInitial LumensRated Life HoursCCTCRI
24785250MPI 250W/BU/LUS50/O ED28Mogul (EX39)ClearBU±15°1900010000400065
10206250MPI 250W/C/BU/LUS50/O ED28Mogul (EX39)CoatedBU±15°1800010000370070
10044400MPI 400W/BU/LUS51/O ED37Mogul (EX39)ClearBU±15°3900020000400065
The sale of lamps in some jurisdictions is restricted due to environmental regulations. Venture Lighting does not currently sell HID lamps in Maine, Vermont, Washington, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia.